The Laguna Plein Air Painters Association (LPAPA) is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit arts organization with a global presence based in Laguna Beach. “Plein air” painting is the artistic practice of painting the landscape on-site, at the location being depicted. It is this artistic tradition, rooted in Laguna’s culture and geography, which LPAPA aims to promote, protect and preserve.
The history of Laguna Beach and the legacy of plein air art are completely intertwined. In the 1800’s artists started coming to Laguna to capture its picturesque landscape, and the famous California light so coveted by outdoor painters. Norman St. Clair is credited with establishing Laguna Beach as an “art colony” around 1903. Early plein air artists such as William Wendt, Edgar Payne, Anna Hills and Frank Cuprien helped open the first art gallery in Laguna Beach in 1918, which became the Laguna Art Museum. We are reminded of this history every day as we take in the beautiful views and drive the streets of Laguna like Cuprien Way and Wendt Terrace.
LPAPA was founded in 1996 by five of the area’s talented and passionate plein air painters and advocates. This group came together with a dream to preserve the history of the plein air movement of 19th century California, to support the tradition, as it exists today, and to foster a network among plein air painters nationwide. Today, LPAPA’s membership has grown to nearly 400 artists spanning the US, Canada, South America, Australia, and England.
LPAPA provides opportunities for established and emerging artists to show their work, by serving members through mentoring and business development consultation, by offering educational opportunities for the community such as lectures and demonstrations, and by partnering with local schools to create art education programs to benefit our youth.
LPAPA provides opportunities for established and emerging artists to show their work, by serving members through mentoring and business development consultation, by offering educational opportunities for the community such as lectures and demonstrations, and by partnering with local schools to create art education programs to benefit our youth.
This year LPAPA will once again present one of the most prominent plein air painting events in the world in the heart of the Laguna Beach community. The 17th Annual Laguna Beach Plein Air Painting Invitational will be held October 17 – 25, 2015, with the Collectors Gala Soirée on Friday October 23rd at Tivoli Too. Plein air artists come from across the country to Laguna Beach to engage with each other, with the community, and with the landscape. The Invitational artists rely on this event as a primary opportunity for inspiration, creating art, connecting with the plein air community, and gaining visibility for their work. The Laguna Beach community rallies around this event because it celebrates its cultural history and simultaneously captures new images of its breathtaking scenery. This is LPAPA’s flagship event, bringing together all aspects of its mission and service to the community throughout the nine days of the Invitational.
While plein air painting has deep roots in Laguna Beach, this cultural facet of local history is easily lost without events such as the annual Invitational to bring the community together to celebrate and learn about this art form.
There are four main impacts the Invitational has in the Laguna Beach community. First, this event raises awareness for the plein air art movement. With more than 1,500 attendees across all events and festivities, the Invitational has proven to be a critical megaphone for sharing plein air art with the world.
Second, the Invitational creates community in Laguna Beach, and tangibly connects people with place. Lectures and community conversations create an ongoing salon of art appreciation, Laguna Beach history, environmental awareness, and more. Art sales from the Invitational spread plein air art and the Laguna Beach landscape in homes and galleries across America.
There are four main impacts the Invitational has in the Laguna Beach community. First, this event raises awareness for the plein air art movement. With more than 1,500 attendees across all events and festivities, the Invitational has proven to be a critical megaphone for sharing plein air art with the world.
Second, the Invitational creates community in Laguna Beach, and tangibly connects people with place. Lectures and community conversations create an ongoing salon of art appreciation, Laguna Beach history, environmental awareness, and more. Art sales from the Invitational spread plein air art and the Laguna Beach landscape in homes and galleries across America.
Third, various events during the Invitational foster the love of plein air painting in young people, ensuring the tradition will continue. The Invitational scholarships make an impact with art students, and youth events throughout the week expose youngsters to the beauty, tradition and artists in their midst.
Finally, this event supports local and national artists by connecting collectors with their work, and showcasing their art. Support for this event directly impacts artists living and working in and around Laguna Beach who are dedicated to experiencing and depicting its natural beauty.
LPAPA is deeply grateful for the support of the Laguna Beach Community Foundation and its Members. Please visit or for more information.
Contributed by Toni Kellenberg, Social Media Director and President of Laguna Plein Air Painters Association
LPAPA is deeply grateful for the support of the Laguna Beach Community Foundation and its Members. Please visit or for more information.
Contributed by Toni Kellenberg, Social Media Director and President of Laguna Plein Air Painters Association